Saturday, May 10, 2008

Sick of beads for a bit

I have been working on word beads straight since September of last year and I finally broke down and worked on something else. I've been collecting buttons for years now. I think I saw a picture in a magazine of a button jar and that just started me off. Sometimes I collect stuff and store it just because it's pretty. So, I've had these buttons. Now, though, I figure it's time to start UNCOLLECTING stuff in my life. But you can't just throw stuff away! (Or give it away - heavens, no!) So, you find out what you can make with it.

I've made button bouquets. What I've done is come up with several titles. These are phrases that get me to think of specific color combinations. Then I see what buttons I have. I'm starting to run out of certain colors and that's okay!

I need to get back to work on the beads, though, because Flourish Boutique is going to need some consignment earrings. I just need to get the fire back for that!

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